Name : Emari Katrell
Species : Bajoran
Age : 44
Sex : Female
Height : 1.7m
Weight : 62.1 kg
Birthplace : Tempassa Province, Bajor
Rank : Captain
Service Record : 55-58, Starfleet Academy
               58-59, Cadet Cruise, Copernicus Shipyards, Luna
               59-62, Ens., USS Bonaventure (Excelsior Class)
               62-66, Lt.(j.g.), USS Thoreau (Olympic Class)
               66-68, Lt., USS Valhalla (Akira Class)
               68-71, USS Magellan (Galaxy Class)
               71-75, Lt. Cmdr., USS Endeavor,  (Nebula Class) Engineering XO
               75-80, Cmdr., USS Oberon, (Norway Class) Chief of Engineering
               80, Captain,  USS Marakesh (Intrepid Class)  Commanding Officer

Personal History : Emari Katrell grew up in the shadow of Gallitep.  The Cardassian Occupation had be going for more the 10 years when she was born.  She spent most of her childhood looking after her younger sister, Alyse.

Her father had been taken to Terok Nor when she was 6 & her mother joined the local resistance cell.     Kay' s mother was on a resistance mission that went south.  They 'd been  turned in by a collaborator.   Kay was 9 the last time she saw her mom.  She & Lysie have been on their own since then.  They were given  some assistance from the local cells whenever possible & when she was 12, Kay joined up with them.
A year later she was part of the Gallitep Liberation.     Over the years both Katrell & Alysa made several friends in  the Resistance & even a few among the Maquis.   Kay learned to build & maintain most of the equipment they used & Alysa, although not an official member of the Resistance, helped cook & tend to the wounded.

Kay took her last Resistance mission at 17.  Somehow, they' d managed to "borrow" a small shuttle.  The group was halfway to the next sector  when they were detected.  The shuttle was blown out from under them  As luck would have it they were at the far edge of a Federation patrol route & were rescued.   The rescued Bajorans were taken to the nearest starbase.  They couldn 't go back  home  Of  the  7 people rescue,  3 just drifted  wherever the Prophets took them,   2 became Maquis members & Katrell & one other survivor joined Starfleet.

Kay desperately missed her sister.  Alysa was only 14 & Kay had to trust that her  friends on Bajor could keep her safe.  She used her contacts on & around Bajor to keep taps on her sister as best she could, while studying at the Academy.   She showed an aptitude for engineering & was her dorm Velocity champ.   She learned ships from the ground up during her Cadet Cruise.  While most people wanted to pull starship duty, Kay opted for a shipyard.

As a Lt.(j.g.) on the Thoreau,  She finally got to return home, albeit to a devastated Bajor.  The Thoreau was part of the relief effort right after the end of the Occupation.  Katrell & Alysa found each other again.   Kay got a brief leave to help her sister find a house & start her life over.

Appearance : Medium height, slender-medium build, stronger than she looks, dark auburn hair just past her shoulders, grey eyes.  Always wears her earring.

Personality Notes : Emari Katrell is what in an earlier time would have been called an 'uppity woman '.  She 's confident, strong, opinionated & intelligent.  She doesn' t back down from a fight & is fierce in her beliefs.
Conversely, she 's been known to be the Engineering cutup when the stress starts to get a little intense.  This sense of humor has carried over to her command style too.  Katrell is a very loyal & compassionate friend & officer.

Her interests include Bajoran religion, model starship building, gardening & playing velocity.